Category Archives: Devotional

Making the Earth Laugh

“Tickle the earth with a hoe; it will laugh a harvest.”                                    

~ Mary Cantell

 For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, because they are understood through what has been made. So people[a] are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God or give him thanks, but they became futile in their thoughts and their senseless hearts[b] were darkened.

                                 ~ Romans 1:20-21

We have a friend who can (almost) look crooked at the ground and it will spring up with a healthy plant.  He comes from a tradition of farming. He plants, it grows, it thrives.  He harvests the crop, and if it can be preserved, pickled, jellied, jammed or frozen, he and his wife do just that.  Everything is treasured and preserved.  And one more thing.  Shared.  He and his wife share the fruits of their labor.  He is a wellspring of positivity. He is one of the most positive people I have ever met in my life.  He makes the earth laugh.

Our friend has no pretense. He survived a colorful childhood. He is a skilled cabinet maker, carpenter, handyman.  He looks for ways to share his gifts and make a living. He has renovated apartments, houses; he has restored parts of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, he is proud of his heritage, has not one ounce of malice toward others. 

The most important thing he does, in my opinion, that outstrips all of these fine qualities, is to give glory to God.  Recently, our friend suffered a stroke, and his first response was, ” I am so blessed that it was only this.” “When can I get on my exercise bike?” And he is back at giving glory to God and making this world a better place.

How can we do any less?  Today, reach out to someone and share your love, your light, your time, your talent(s). Stop thinking about what you cannot do, who you are not as good as, and go tickle the world with your love, and watch it laugh back in love.

For Jesus.  Just for Jesus.

Because of Him,


Reach Out and Touch – Diana Ross

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That Thorn

As you do not know the path of the wind,
    or how the body is formed[a] in a mother’s womb,
so you cannot understand the work of God,
    the Maker of all things.
                                               ~ Ecc 11:5

Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable.” 

                                             ~ L. Frank Baum

One friend called another.  Their mutual friend was in distress.  She had lost her child to a freak health event and was blaming a former teacher for her imagined lack of sensitivity regarding the matter.  The former teacher was me.  “In the natural” I wanted to respond, to say “where were you when I lost my _______? ” (Often, teachers are expected to know the whereabouts and health of each student that they EVER taught.) I wanted to do a few things that were not in my best interest spiritually.  

Instead, I prayed, I looked at her social media and discovered that there is a Mother’s Day for Grieving mom’s the Sunday before the traditional Mother’s Day.  That is when I heard the Lord reminding me of my sister in law who lost her child four years ago.  It opened up my heart, it removed the dart that the enemy had tried to place in my heart and healed it.  I contacted my sister in law, I took at action on behalf of my former student that let her mom know that I felt her pain.  

You might look at this devotional and think I am bragging.  But what I am really doing is confessing, and letting you know that I gave it to the Lord.  And the Lord, who knew what to do with it, gave me a way toward personal healing, and an action that touched hearts.  

Is there anything that keeps troubling your heart?  Something that sticks and pricks at your spirit?  God can only do something with it if you give it to Him.  Church, brothers and sisters, give it to God, and see the splendor of His mercy and love.
Take it to the Lord in Prayer

Because of Him,


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Give it Your All

Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci

  No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.~ 1 Corinthians 10:13

There is always that temptation to copy.  I saw it as a teacher.  Kids sitting at a table, trying to come up with an idea for a poem. an illustration, a slogan.  Their eyes wandered, and then, the cry, “She’s copying me!”  “He totally stole my idea.”  Try as I might, I could not prevent a child from copying another child. Often when I had the children present their work, I would ask, “What was your inspiration?  What gave you the idea to approach this subject the way that you did?” And often, that is when the “proof” would come out, but sometimes, the child would claim that their classmate inspired them, and it reminded them of somethingthat they wanted to incorporate into that “borrowed” idea, making it their own.

There is a time to stand out, for instance, when you are a soloist, when it is your exhibition or concert. And there are times to blend and follow the idea of the composer, the artist, or dare I say it, look up and follow the direction of the choir director. Watch him or her breathe, live the example in front of you, watch for direction, glancing at your music if you must, but just a glance. The rehearsal is when you make notes, draw pictures to help you be reminded of what the director was asking for, the singing is when you look up, and be directed, listening to the others in the choir, breathing with them as one, giving it your all.
Putting our spirit into something is what we have that is uniquely ours, and that is the gift.  When you are tempted to try and do it just like so and so, or cut a corner so you can get it done faster, or better, that is when temptation steps in, in that inhale.  Breathe out, sing out.  Jesus is your rock.  Stand on Him, stand in Him, and sing, create, dance.
Jesus is a Rock in Weary Land

Because of Him,


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Just Breathe

“It is easy to be independent when you’ve got money. But to be independent when you haven’t got a thing — that’s the Lord’s test.” ~ Mahalia Jackson

All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17

We were on vacation this week, upstate New York. Gore Mountain was beautiful, the leaves were turning, the natives and other visitors were welcoming.  The masks left nothing but smiling eyes, but we managed when we went out. The lakes were literally breath taking and breath giving.  Each and every time were turned a corner and saw water, we just breathed more easily.   The might Hudson was a trickle in places, and just as beautiful.  We learned of history, and the areas we visited.  
The funniest thing happened; everywhere we went, and in many cases, at our room, scripture would pop into my head. “I am crucified with Christ but nevertheless I live” was one example, and there were many others. They all showed up in song, they all showed up during an ordinary moment.  It just felt as if my soul was being restored, one note at a time.  It was wonderful.  
It was a new understanding of just how God-breathed a scripture could be. It cleared my spiritual passages, and so as we continue to weather this pandemic in whatever iteration we are experiencing it, I found myself more closely connected to God in the country this trip and that helped me to know where my freedom truly lies.  No matter what we do not have in this time, we always have God, we always know Jesus is as close as inhale.
Breathe.  Just be held by God.
Casting Crowns, Just Be Held
Our freedom, our independence is in the breath of God, in the love of God, the word of God.
Give thanks, pray for others, give thanks, pray for our country, give thanks, the doctors, give thanks, pray for the election, give thanks.  Let God hold you in God’s freedom.  
Because of Him,

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“There is a hard law… that when a deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive.” 

                                     ~ Alan Paton 

For our[a] struggle is not against human opponents,[b] but against rulers, authorities, cosmic powers in the darkness around us,[c] and evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realm. 13 For this reason, take up the whole armor of God so that you may be able to take a stand whenever evil comes. And when you have done everything you could, you will be able to stand firm.
                                   ~Ephesians 6:12-13 
Harsh words, a job you thought you were a shoe-in for, given to someone less qualified, physical harm from a loved one or a stranger, poor treatment by someone in public, a slight from someone you respect … I am sure you can fill in the blank with that thing for which it is so hard to forgive. What triggers it?  What happens to you inside when it is triggered?
I can only speak for myself, but for me, it seems as if the situation has come up afresh, again.  It sometimes has blinded me to what is happening in the now.  I am time traveling in a twinkle.  Time has improved my responses to the triggers, and some have been completely removed.  But there are those times.  There is one that is gone now, but at the time, I couldn’t even think of the person’s name without fear and apprehension starting their work.  I finally was able to tell the person what had happened.  They couldn’t even remember the situation.  I left the room “bleeding”, maintaining my professional integrity until I had rounded a corner, and she could not recall it happening.
In retrospect, I realize that she operated like that every day, and so on more person left bleeding after her verbal slashing, was no big thing.  I was able to forgive her, and rarely think about it now.  I asked God to help me to be ready to forgive her, and that helped.  The trick for me was not to let her presence alone be the trigger. And in fact, letting the Lord take the lead was most helpful in this being accomplished.
The whole armor of God? Essential.  Asking God to help you to be ready to forgive? Crucial.  Being prepared to love that person and having it happen?  Priceless, often surprising to … you!
So, as you are clanking around in your armor today, I hope it gets a little more comfortable, it was custom made you know.  Don’t leave home without it.
Lord, let their words bounce off of me today, let their actions remind me to turn to  you for armor adjustment, let me always look to you for help.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Because of Him,

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Stream of words, stream of steps

I’m pretty sure it’s a simple matter of climbing over that seemingly high (but actually rather unimpressive) obstacle. 

                                                     ~ Jeb Dickerson

Jesus answered by quoting Deuteronomy: “It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God’s mouth.” 
                                                      ~ Matthew 4:4
There are obstacles to many of the things that we say we want, many of the things we say we are praying for, just many things.  We want success, it is offered to us and we are afraid to take the next step, we complain that no one is there for us, and ignore those who are, we want folks to be intimate in their conversation, but we don’t invite them all the way in to our hearts.
Some folks take photos of their obstacles and advertise them, build a garden in front of them, decorate them.  So the obstacle is not only ever before them, but a monument to their hesitation.
Time to pray and start thanking God for the answer, no matter what it is. Time to take that risk and appreciate that God has closed a door and move to the next door.  Time to say no unless you absolutely feel the leading of the Lord, unless you actually want to do the thing you are being asked to do, not because you “feel bad,” or, “it is expected.”
Take a step, make a step.  And hear this wonderful song, one more time.
The Mighty Clouds of Joy – I Made a Step
Because of Him,

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Not Today

Say I love you to those you love. The eternal silence is long enough to be silent in, and that awaits us all.” 

                                                                ~ George Eliot      

Summing up: Be agreeable, be sympathetic, be loving, be compassionate, be humble. That goes for all of you, no exceptions. No retaliation. No sharp-tongued sarcasm. Instead, bless—that’s your job, to bless. You’ll be a blessing and also get a blessing.
Whoever wants to embrace life
    and see the day fill up with good,
Here’s what you do:
    Say nothing evil or hurtful;
Snub evil and cultivate good;
    run after peace for all you’re worth.
God looks on all this with approval,
    listening and responding well to what he’s asked;
But he turns his back
    on those who do evil things.

                                                                  ~ 1 Peter 3: 8-12
It was such a good movie.  The main character was a master of the sharp tongue, fueling it with people’s faults, misfortunes, physical challenges. His marriage was failing, but that tongue sharpened like a fine knife on a whetstone soaked in tears and alcohol,  honed like a blade against the air, slicing through dull spirits and engendering same.  This baton was not an extension of his arm, but more like a smooth sword fighter, slashing and jabbing just short of “home.”
In the movie, he was delivered an ultimatum and he had to make a choice between his family and his habit.  His “Damascus” experience was kept offscreen, but when he came through it, he shone with the light of God.
His words were life giving, his actions were kinder than kind, and most of all his tongue was full of forgiveness, welcome, caring.  This protagonist had allowed the Great Physician to remove the splinter from his heart and he never turned back (at least not in the movie.)
Of course it’s an old movie, and try as I might, I cannot remember anything other than the turnaround that stuck.  Gives me hope, helps me to know my prayers were and are answered. Satan defeated…again and again.
Not Today – Hillsong
     Because of Him,

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You Lift Me Up

[P]atriotism… is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.  ~Adlai Stevenson

When I walk into the thick of trouble,
    keep me alive in the angry turmoil.
With one hand
    strike my foes,
With your other hand
    save me.
Finish what you started in me, God.
    Your love is eternal—don’t quit on me now.

Psalm 138:7-8

And so it is with serving the Lord.  Serving the Lord is so much more than the jumping, dancing, crying, evidence of the Holy Spirit, singing, praising with a loud voice, or a big band.  It is indeed, like the patriotism described above, tranquil and steady.  It is not the outward signs as much as that place from which they are born.

If you have ever stood in a wave pool at a water park, you know that there is a stillness, folks swim, talk, anticipate, travel to get to a good spot to experience the wave.  And then it begins, slowly, small and pulsing.  Growing ever growing until it reaches the place where one must jump up to keep it from washing over them (or not!) and certainly helping small one in their efforts.

Sometimes it feels as if the pool is not under anyone’s close supervision and the waves are out of control.  That is where the plea comes from.  That is where the jumping up in anticipation comes from.  Sometimes it is where folks simply let go and let the wave carry them.

Yes, Lord, carry me, lift me up, that I may let go.

Because of Him,


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When you reach for the stars, you may not quite get one, but you won’t come up with a handful of mud either. 

                                  ~ Leo Burnett

He wants not only us but everyone saved, you know, everyone to get to know the truth we’ve learned: that there’s one God and only one, and one Priest-Mediator between God and us—Jesus, who offered himself in exchange for everyone held captive by sin, to set them all free. Eventually the news is going to get out. This and this only has been my appointed work: getting this news to those who have never heard of God, and explaining how it works by simple faith and plain truth.
                                   ~ 1 Tim 2:5-7
     What I loved the most was the cross, wrapped in chicken wire, adorned from the first service.  It was the children’s moment, and Pastor Rachel went big.  A six foot cross wrapped in chicken wire.  Two baskets of flowers, and room, plenty of room to decorate.  
     The children were invited to come forward, consider the day, and that they were a part of it.  The next thing I knew, all the children were grabbing a flower and placing it on the cross, from the smallest to the tallest.  The older ones, adding design elements to “help” the smaller ones.
      Here’s my take away:  
  • children are a BIG part of the church.
  • they model what it is we should, that working together, we can build something beautiful.
  • that being a part of the cross is for the young blooms, and for those who are dying, as every flower that was placed on the cross was a cut flower.
  • that when you cannot reach, there is always someone who can help you.
  • this was no “cute” children’s moment.  It was vital and well planned for and the kids swarmed like bees once they were set forth with a job.
Thank you Pastor Rachel, for celebrating the children and their role in the church, in such a big way.   It was all I could do to stay seated.
Because of Him,

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The Librarian Pulpit

You learn something every day if you pay attention. 
     ~ Ray LeBlond
 Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.”
     ~ Joshua 1:9
     Yesterday there was a Library Liaison Meeting that brought representatives from all of the western half of the county in which I live.  There were representatives from several companies with improvements/new products to share.  I learned two new things:
  1. Old dogs are knocking themselves out to learn the new tricks, so that the younger dogs can approach them, so that there is common ground.
  2. Never give a sales pitch that begins with knocking your competition.  Chances are you are starting out angry.  (An oh he was.)
     1.  The “old dog” who caught my attention said, and I paraphrase, “instead of feeling isolated, I did something that made me uncomfortable, I attended things outside our field.  I don’t know what it did/or does for those I work with, but it made me feel as if I were doing something positive. I started “tweeting” and all of a sudden, my boss started to engage me in conversation.”
    2.  I spoke with the salesperson and told him that I really hadn’t counted on a mini-political approach to his product by his leading with what he did not care for about the closest competitor. He told me he was angry because the competitor had just beat them out of a state contract.  He reconsidered his next presentation in light of what was said to him.
     Bottom line is, we can learn something new every day, even if we are considered at the top of our game, and, truly we must be oh so careful before opening our mouths and think about who/what it is we want.  How do we want to be remembered?
    Approach today with the innocence of a child, the wisdom of a sage, and the lead of the Lord who has been there, and got your back all at once.
Lord, help all the dogs to learn something new, speak in a way that they can be best heard, and reflect glory on You.  Amen
     Because of Him,

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