Tag Archives: struggle

The Struggle

“The most wonderful thing about miracles is that they sometimes happen.” 

             ~ G. K. Chesterton

Just take a look at Zion, will you?

    Centering our worship in festival feasts!
Feast your eyes on Jerusalem,
    a quiet and permanent place to live.
No more pulling up stakes and moving on,
    no more patched-together lean-tos.
Instead, God! God majestic, God himself the place
    in a country of broad rivers and streams,
But rivers blocked to invading ships,
    off-limits to predatory pirates.
For God makes all the decisions here. God is our king.
    God runs this place and he’ll keep us safe.

Isaiah 33:20-22 The Message (MSG)

     In my own devotional time this morning, I read Max Lucado’s account of someone who was told that if he had enough faith, he would be healed of his cancer.  I remember Frank Krautter dealing with this with his daughter and ultimately with himself with regard to illness.
     What I remember about these two remarkable individuals is that instead of complaining, of rallying against their state, they found a way to let God use them to showcase his love, his light, his mercy, his joy.  They were, neither one, pessimists, their faces shone with God’s love, and they persevered. 
     In Frank’s case, that must have been difficult because he was a medical doctor. He knew what was happening to his daughter and to himself in more ways than the average person.  Yet he praised God, she wrote a thankful journal.
    Look at your own situation.  Is there a chance that God is using it to showcase his love, his mercy, his light to others through you?  The butterfly in the struggle?
Be patient with you, and let God shine through. Just like you watched the video, folks are watching you.
Lord, use my struggle to bless others, to make me more confident in you, to give me more patience with myself and others.
Because of Him,

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Light Work

But whoever did want him,
    who believed he was who he claimed
    and would do what he said,
He made to be their true selves,
    their child-of-God selves.
These are the God-begotten,
    not blood-begotten,
    not flesh-begotten,
    not sex-begotten.
       ~ John 1:12-13
All things come into being by conflict of opposites.” 
     ~ Heraclitus
We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. 
That’s who we really are. 
      – J.K. Rowling, author (b. 31 Jul 1965) 
Okay…so today is upside down, or at least different that the usual format that I present to you.  I have come to lead with one quote, follow with scripture, comment, pray and close. Today, Things are upside down already.  I ran across the quote by Heraclitus first. I read it and thought, how interesting, wonder what scripture the Lord has for me today. I also read a word-of-the-day every day on my way to the devotional.  At the bottom of this day’s particular word, was the quote by J.K.Rowling.  I read it and again wondered what scripture the Lord had for me today.  Especially because it seemed we had a repetition of the “opposite” idea.  Then I proceeded to the scripture which began, in the version I was reading (The Message) with :
The Life-Light was the real thing:
    Every person entering Life
    he brings into Light.
He was in the world,
    the world was there through him,
    and yet the world didn’t even notice.
He came to his own people,
    but they didn’t want him.
     I began with the scripture today, because it was the natural beginning /contrast against the first quote I found, and the second. I could actually see what appears to be happening in my life right now.
     Yesterday was a light/dark day.  A beloved editor shared their feedback on a poem and it cut through me with the edge of truth. There were tears.
     Two friends requested a change in plans, there were tears
     I started to look at social media, saw all the pictures of what I used to do with my kids in the summers when we used to cram so much into July that it needed an extra day or two,  I missed not only those years, but my own parents, and family who are mostly gone…there were floods.
     I spoke with an author friend, and she reminded me of the cloud of witnesses who were in heaven cheering me on. She affirmed the rareness of my parents and they way I was raised, she listened and met my tears with love and light.  She proposed that perhaps I was the “sweetness” which my surroundings sometimes lack, and that my job was just that, to be the sweetness. There were cleansing tears then.
     I showed up for a poetry reading a week early the entrance was blocked, I had to find another way in, the librarian called me “ma’am,” which under many circumstances would have been fine, but when she asked me if I was sure of the library where the event was being held, in that, “perhaps you’re just confused little old lady” tone, I said thank you, started on my way to the car, and just before there were tears, my husband invited me to have some TCBY instead of going right home. That was lovely.
    Not feeling my usual “get up and go” and uncomfortable with that being okay. Finding a new pace, enjoying the time to write, feeling the pull to buy school supplies (which I did for my poetry students…) light and dark, stop and go, walk and run, rush and relax, feeling the need to apply for a job, fully expecting I could do anything I set my mind to…and then the scripture.
Juxtaposed against the quotes.  (My husband asked me to at least try retirement before I go applying for a job again…my kids asked me to take one whole year before I do anything…ugh! and ow! and oh…sting of truth.)
     I need to accept that whatsoever state I am in, there will be joy, and light, and dark, and laughter, and tears.
Today, walk into the light of His grace, watch for the new entrance and rejoice no matter what.
Lord, hold me, let your grace work in me, your love guide my steps, even when the entrance seems blocked.  I give you the glory, the honor, the thanks.
Because of Him,
You Say – Lauren Daigle

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The Journey

Ruin and recovery are both from within. 

                                                 ~ Epictetus

 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
                                                 ~ Romans 10:9-10
     My husband and I watched Jimmy Stewart in Charles Lindbergh for our Sunday movie night last night.  I knew some of the story because he was a hero of my dad’s, who listened to the flight on a crystal set when he was a boy. Inline image 2
     I had not paid close attention to the faith aspect of the story as much until yesterday.  “Lindy” had given flying lessons to a priest who was, apparently a terrible student.  The one thing he took away from the relationship was that the priest had a prayer for everything, including takeoffs, landings, and all between.  The priest sent him a St. Christopher medal to wear with him on his flight.  He left it behind when he got ready to go.  A friend slipped it into his lunch bag. 
     Lindbergh got into trouble while he was out there over the Atlantic.  After he got through it, he took out a sandwich and found the medal wrapped around it.  His faith was awakened.  When he got to Paris, the lights were blazing, the crowds were swarming, he couldn’t quite figure out where the runway was, and then looked at the medal, recalled his friend the priest, and tried to recall his landing prayer.  He opened his mouth and what came out was, “Oh God, please help me.”
     We are, each of us on a journey, and we meet some wonderful folks and some not so wonderful folks along the way.  They all shape our steps, our way, our mental state as we negotiate mountains, tough terrain, thick air, the dark.
      If you can manage “God, please help me.” when you are in a tough spot, just before the victory (which of course is there, but veiled when we are in the throes of peril,) then you are in a good place.
     Today, may the God of all creation be with you on your journey.  May you recognize His help as you fly along.
     Because of Him,

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O’er the Ramparts

If you have lived, take thankfully the past. 
                               ~ John Dryden

God thundereth marvellously with his voice; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend.

For he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth; likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of his strength.

                                ~ Job 37:5-6

Which we cannot comprehend.

How the ramparts of our lives

fly, seemingly unrelated, falling

where they may, littering pathways

blocking walkways, that we might 

pick our way through, taking 

care where our feet fall, that we 

might not.

Stunned, we walk forward, drinking

in the rain, crying out our own.

We are frantic in the search 

looking for pieces of our lives.

Hungering for so much more 

than food amidst the rubble.

And then the snow. O’er all

softening the blow, lingering 

beauty to sooth, dress, heal.

Our vision clears, we hear

our name called above

our murky thoughts. 

We are pulled to the sound,

No strength left but to move

into the arms of that One

who knows just where the pieces


and we are held.


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Tossing and Turning

How like a queen comes forth the lonely Moon from the slow opening curtains of the clouds, walking in beauty to her midnight throne!

      ~ George Croly
 1-4 If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.

     ~ Philippians 2:3,4
I am watching two examples of what looks like “My will not thine.”  They appear to be developing because of disturbed routines.  On the one hand a person is manipulating her schedule saying it is for the sake of the others. For all appearances it look as if she is doing it for herself and in her wake many others’ routines will be disturbed, but hers will remain the same.  The other situation is unfolding but in its folds hide a hornet’s nest which appears to be falling into the direct path of a yellow-jacket’s nest.  
I have been the object of what happens in both cases.  Instead of trying to analyze either situation further, I have been questioning my own motives, schedules, maturity level.  About 4:00 this morning when I first woke up, both situations had me as tangled as the blankets.  I prayed.  I prayed some more.  Eventually I fell back to sleep.  What I know now is that I don’t have enough information about either situation, and … that I need to leave it all with the One who knows just what is happening and has all the information.
Today I will bite my tongue more often, and watch and pray.  My throat will be freer to sing, my heart will be freer to inform the rest of me about the will of the one who washed my sins away. To follow Him like the moon follows the sun.
Oh Happy Day!
(Oh Happy Day…gets me every single time!)
Because of Him,

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Walking away and the treasure

24 Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them? says the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? says the Lord.

     ~ Jeremiah 23:24
The whole history of physics proves that a new discovery is quite likely lurking at the next decimal place.  
   ~  F.K. Richtmeyer
I looked at these in-congruent statements and decided that there was a link!  There are attempts made by everyone at one time or another to walk away from God.  But God never walks away from us.  But math and physics for me are like someone leaving you a precious puzzle box with a treasure inside.  After hours of wrestling with it, you put it down.   You know there is a message there, but you have no way to interpret it. 
Sometimes the solution is so silly.  You walk away, get a cup of coffee or a glass of water and come back.  You put the glass down on the table and knock the puzzle off the table and it opens and voila!  And sometimes you have to have a puzzle expert in your group. And sometimes you are meant to wrestle some more.  God leaves us treasure in easy to open packages, and some that are not so easy to open.  All require a firm reliance on the Almighty to unwrap the treasure.
What treasure lies before you, now that you are back from the caves?  Is it simple math?  Is it the understanding to really hear that amazing sermon you just heard on Sunday that took several days to reach your roots?  Sometimes, the treasure is in the struggle.  The butterfly sits on a branch after coming out of the chrysalis, allowing the wings to dry before attempting flight.
Sometimes, in the walking away, new discovery is made.
Because of Him,

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